What we do
We are an end-to-end developer of technically advanced energy recovery facilities in the UK.
The facilities we develop play a key role in resolving the UK’s waste issues locally by diverting waste from landfill, reducing the amount of waste exports, while transforming residual waste into low carbon, renewable energy.

How we do it
We have an in-house team with an established track record in developing advanced thermal treatment facilities across all stages of the project lifecycle; from site identification through to construction, operations and maintenance. We work with a suite of technologies and trusted partners, enabling us the flexibility to develop concurrent projects across the UK.
The technologies used in our facilities employ techniques that best prevent or minimise emissions and impacts on the environment
BEst available technique, Environment agency

The renewable electricity produced from just one of our 10MWe facilities can sustain 25,000 houses

Hooton Park
The Hooton Bio Power facility is our fifth energy recovery project and is the first non-subsidised merchant gasification facility. It is the first time the UK market has realised a gasification facility of this size, based on fluidised bed technology provided by Japanese Kobelco Eco Solutions.
The facility is now generating on the Peel Environmental site in North West England, and has been delivered by power facility specialist BWSC / SEC with 1,800,000 man hours without a Lost Time Incident.